Wednesday, July 30, 2008

They flowed into each other

and intermingled their struggling 
miniature universes of
raw-nerved feeling,
pleading for understanding,
searching for ill-defined experience,
wanting in some way to be more
than what they were, waiting for
something to happen, indifferent
to its contours, 
looking for their place
in a world whose true dimensions
would have hammered them flat
had they known them.
They shot wounded venom at each other
and always embraced afterward, if only by
moments of silent forgiveness.
They celebrated each other's victories
and told each other truths and secrets
that were reserved for the hidden hours
of night.
No one made them angrier
than each other,
but each one realized
in his own unfinished way
the love they both felt
(though never speaking of it)
and they came to understand
that neither of them
would have wanted to take those
first real steps into manhood
(toward a world of other universes)
with anyone else.

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